Outdoor 6 a.m. swimming got off to a ROUGH start, honestly; all I’ve wanted to do for the couple of weeks is go lie down. Like, no matter what time it was or what I was doing. It was so bad that I was delighted on Monday to have a dental cleaning—30 minutes of scheduled midday horizontal passivity, hooray! Not to mention my neck got horribly sore for some reason that must be related to either really weak muscles or really bad form. But the exhaustion and the neck pain are both lifting, and swimming feels a bit more normal, and the walk home is no longer finishing me off completely.
Plus, now that the water temperature at the pool is reliably good, the morning exercise and sunshine are really nice. It seems the last remaining problem is that I am tragically slow and can’t do even a full 50 meters of butterfly, but that can hardly be considered a problem, since I don’t really have any goals for this other than morning exercise and sunshine.
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