Tuesday, November 1, 2016

GREAT resolutions for November

The November manifesto:
  • Goal: Knit M.H. a hat. He needs a new one, and I’m pretty sure I have enough yarn and can make it not suck.
  • Rule: Use social media only after dinner. This is the compromise I reached between “social media is evil, addictive, and bad for my brain” and “social media is really fun, and I like to see what’s going on.” I’ll use the same caveats I had last month—that I’m allowed to see Facebook and Twitter at other times when I need to for work, or when I need to look something up, or when I need to communicate with someone.
  • Exercise: NaYoDoMo. M.H. is starting a new book for NaNoWriMo, so it seems like a good time for me to invent/observe “National Yoga Doing Month,” i.e., 30 yoga workouts in 30 days. It might mean I skip my weightlifting and sprinting more often than not, but that’s OK—I’m getting more out of yoga right now anyway. And it’s fine to do yoga in the morning when it’s pitch black outside BECAUSE I CAN LIGHT THE GAS FIREPLACE AND MY ROW OF CANDLES AND DO YOGA BY WARM FIRE GLOW. Why, yes, I do welcome the changing of the seasons.
  • Affirmation: The series of yoga videos I’m doing actually has an affirmation for every day, so this month I’m setting a yoga-related intention instead: “I intend to feel free, light, and strong.”
  • Task: Come up with a simple, bare-bones daily housekeeping schedule and then stick to it. I feel like some general fall cleaning is needed, and walking around dusting things or whatever can substitute for walking around in the bitter cold outside.
I just finished my first candlelight yoga video, M.H. is clickety-clacking away on his new book, a mostly-blank housework calendar is before me, I have a full day of work ahead, the sun is coming up, and I feel fantastic.

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