Friday, January 1, 2016

GREAT resolutions for January

Happy New Year!

All this thinking about monthly resolutions must be fun for me (a different concept from “must be working for me,” unfortunately) because I’m officially entering my second year of them.

This January’s resolutions have had the benefit of several weeks of end-of-year introspection—and several weeks of becoming disgusted by my holiday indulgences—so they should be my most useful, practical, keepable ones yet. Also, they’ve been jazzed up with explanations and a pop of color:
  • Goal: Spend 155 total minutes in meditation (an average of five minutes a day). I’ve been reading about how to increase willpower and beef up the prefrontal cortex, and mediation is on the top of every list. My hope is that I can start small and then increase the time as the year goes on.
  • Rule: Follow AltShift to the letter. I’ve followed the creator of this diet for a couple of years and truly believe that what he has come up with is the best science currently available for getting healthy.
  • Exercise: Walk. Of course this is also my 2016 theme, but I’m going to start with the basics. No counting miles or anything—I’m just going to remember that to be healthy, I need to walk as much as I possibly can.
  • Affirmation: I take great care of myself in any weather. This is all about getting to the gym, but if I can get one thing through my stubborn head all year, I would like it to be that I am a person who takes great care of herself—in other words, it’s something I do automatically, without needing willpower or resolutions.
  • Task: Clean out the guest room closet. This would be a really convenient storage location for things we need now and then, but instead it’s packed with a bizarre assortment of things we need approximately never.

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