Friday, August 11, 2023

Fake it till you make it

Friday: Rest

I’m pretty sore and my back feels funky from lifting weights yesterday, so I decided it was time for a rest day. (The plan is no plan: Push myself when I can and rest when I feel like it.) 

I have been using the Thumper a lot. Sometimes it seems like it’s helping, and sometimes it’s more of the usual—my Achilles hurt at random times of day and ache on random nights. All the muscles in my calves feel a bit bruised from the massage. As I recall, that’s usually the point when Dan the Physical Therapist would double down on causing me pain, but I’ve decided to take a BIT more gentle route while still continuing on with it. Another useful thing is that after I massage for 10 minutes, I always take a few minutes to stretch, which I hadn’t been that good about previously.

I’m just staying positive: This IS going to heal, and I AM going to get my weight (and therefore blood pressure and cholesterol) down. Hey, remember when I wrote myself a “fantasy race report”* to prepare for my Ironman race? I wonder if I could do a “fantasy success story” of how I got my health back and injury rehabbed, maybe written from the perspective of 12 months from now. Hmm.

*The actual fake race report is no longer online, but you would find it boring anyway.

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