Saturday, July 9, 2011


I took everyone's advice and bought the finish line photo, so now you can see it in its high-res glory (and, um, legally). I probably could have fed a starving child for three weeks for what they charged me, which I was actually weighing into the purchase decision until I remembered that the Ironman itself had already cost a village or two. I probably ought to dedicate 2012 to making a matching donation to charity.


Having perspective is such a downer. Let's focus on the trivial. My eyes were open after all! Plus, the picture highlights my new best feature, my knees.

My favorite yoga class was yesterday. The telling-everyone-all-about-my-race part went great, but the actual yoga was kind of a joke. I spent a lot of time either doing easier versions of everything or just plain sitting. Oh, well. I'm content. It will all come back.

Today I went back to the gym again with M.H. and did a lite version of his typical workout, which is alternating between 15 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes lifting weights. Running felt pretty good, but I really didn't attempt to do any serious lifting. It seems pointless without some kind of plan, and I'm really not in the mood to be sore all over for no good reason.

Hey, didja see that nifty photo? That baby's going on the Christmas cards this year for sure!


  1. You look great! Did you lose all the weight you were hoping to with this training?

  2. This photo shows a lean, mean, kick-ass machine! I can't fathom that you've been using "overweight" to describe yourself in so many of your posts.

    So incredibly proud of you, friend.

  3. Yes, I add to previous commenters' verdict, you look extremely lean - great legs, too!

  4. Thanks, everyone. During all of this I definitely exchanged some fat for muscle, particularly on my legs. Interestingly, I lost only four pounds total in the nine months of training. But slimming down was never my main focus, and I still weigh over 170, so I could maybe lose about 15-20 more. NOT that I am complaining. I'm healthy and feel great and just finished a stinking Ironman, after all!

  5. Fabulous photo, and congrats on your race, what an accomplishment!!!
