Saturday, July 1, 2023

Whole30 Day 28 but this is now a decluttering blog

I woke up ambitious and did a bunch of cleaning, as well as decluttered and organized my knitting/crocheting supplies. That was pretty easy, mostly because I did all the untangling and winding a few months ago, and all I had left to do was get rid of duplicates and my unwanted paper patterns. I now have yarncraft basically confined to one area of the house, which looks like this:

Those drawers are ALL full to the top with yarn, but overall, it’s not bad!

I have a lot of work to do on Other Art Supplies. Ideally I would have a whole room—studio!—for that stuff, but despite having a large house with no minor children in it, we don’t seem to have the space. Or at least I can’t bear to turn ALL our guest space into Julie-only space—for example, I would still like my kids to have a place to sleep when they visit.

I think the solution is to get rid of the excess and figure out how to make better use of the existing art-crap space, which currently looks like this:

It SEEMS like it should be enough room, but the art supplies are sharing quarters with first-aid stuff, sunscreen, water bottles, stationery, egg cartons that need to be donated to people with chickens, and other miscellaneous junk. I know I would use art supplies a lot more if I was able to get to them easily…

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