Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Whole30 recap

Day 31

Here’s my Whole30 wishlist and an update on each of the issues:

1. Heal Achilles: At times in the past 30 days this has felt better, but at the moment it feels the same or even worse. This has been an issue for YEARS now, so I’m disappointed but not surprised that a miracle didn’t occur. (PSA: This injury is the worst, and if you ever feel a twinge of pain in your ankle/heel, I strongly encourage you to rest until it’s better, rather than playing through the pain until it becomes chronic, like a moron.)

2. Lose fat: I lost a grand total of 2 pounds, which is incredibly disappointing but does confirm my suspicion that all this recent weight gain doesn’t really have much to do with my diet. (But if I could lose 2 pounds every 30 days by eating this way, I would do it in a heartbeat.)

3. Lower blood pressure: I had the opportunity to take my blood pressure last night with my mom’s device and it’s still awful. Boo.

4. Improve circulation: Not sure but possibly this has helped. My legs were feeling super-heavy all the time, and now they feel better—but I have also been wearing a pair of compression socks I found at a garage sale, so it might just be that.

5. Improve motivation and focus: This is the #1 thing that changed for me. I feel smarter, more creative, and more motivated than I did 30 days ago BY FAR.

6. Get stronger: I don’t have any sense that this changed one way or another.

7. Improve endurance: It is really hard to say, because I still can’t walk any sort of distance because of my injury. I may possibly feel better walking up stairs…

8. Stop snoring: I do believe my snoring has lessened, although we started sleeping downstairs recently because it got hot out, and down there we somehow snore much more???

I’m feeling like, whether this helps a lot or a little, I still need to do it so my health doesn’t continue spiraling downhill. I think I’ll just keep going, do the other smart things I know I should do, and check in again on Day 60.

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