Monday, August 7, 2023

A start

Sunday: Rest (and eat)
Monday: Yoga, 35 minutes 

I yogaed this morning to the point where I both worked up a sweat and wondered what on earth has become of my fitness. There are so many things I could do two years ago that I can no longer do. I honestly think I could use nothing but yoga for a while as a tool to get in much better shape. That sounds fun, but I think it would also be smart to lift some weights, and I need to do at least a little biking while the weather is nice. The current weather would be stupid to waste, honestly.

The family activities this weekend were so much fun. Every time I turned around, there was someone I hadn’t seen in five years or more. But this morning, M.H. and Mik both went off to work early, and I freaking CHERISHED some quiet time alone in the house. It may take months to fully refill my introvert tank.

Oh, ALSO! I was talking about Achilles tendinitis with my aunt, and she asked me what kind of stuff my physical therapist (Dan the Physical Therapist) had been doing for it. I mentioned a percussive massager, and she said, “You know you can get one of those for under $50 at Costco, right?” Naturally, I did not, and naturally I now own one for $49.99. I’ve now watched one YouTube video about how to use it on your calves and Achilles and I am eagerly awaiting it to reach full charge.

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