Thursday, August 24, 2023

Migraines and magic

Wednesday: Yoga in the Park
Thursday: Walk 1.5 miles

I’m feeling slightly better but have now started getting migraines—some pain-y ones but mostly visual auras. Today it’s visual auras, which still make it very difficult to work at a computer, so things are piling up alarmingly. 

I don’t know if this new wrinkle is from rampaging hormones or crappy food or a reaction to spending a lot more time than usual at my desk or some combination of those, but at any rate I am making a real effort to eat better today and take lots of eye breaks. Also I just took an Excedrin Migraine even though nothing actually hurts, so I’m hoping that will let me at least get something done this afternoon.

Yoga was pretty good yesterday until the instructor started in on an incoherent spiritual rant of some kind. It wasn’t just that it was super woo-woo; it literally made no sense. Then two students chimed in with weird stories about “energy” + something about tarot cards, and honestly it makes me not want to go back. Or maybe I was just grumpy because I had a headache during all this and wanted to go home and take an Advil, HARD TO SAY. But seriously this class is sponsored by the public library so cool it with the flakiness, people.

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