Thursday, April 7, 2011


Thursday: Bike 16 miles, run 3 miles

Running has felt really, really good lately. It still takes me a little longer than usual to warm up, because of my stupid feet, but once I get going, it's smooth sailing. (And when running feels good, everything is good. You know it's true! Hellooooo, endorphins!)

It's supposed to snow tonight, but the forecast for Saturday is 59 degrees and sunny. I'm really hoping I can get my bike off the trainer. It probably depends on the size of the snowstorm we get, but I just don't think I can stare at my wall for four hours and 35 minutes. (Instead of "Saturday Triple," this Saturday's workouts are being called an "Epic Iron Day." Gulp.)


  1. Hi Julie, just found your blog on Kurt's blog roll. The title caught my eye. I turned 40 last year and doing 140.6 was my ultimate goal as well. Now that it has been accomplished, on to the 2nd one. Hope you can get some good runnning time outside soon!
    KC @

  2. Awesome. I'm glad KC found your blog! The title was what caught my attention at first as well (good choice!).

    I've been itching to get my bike off the trainer as well. It's supposed to hit sixties tomorrow and a couple times this week. I bet we'll both be off the trainer by weeks end if not sooner!!

    Can't wait to hear about "Epic Iron Day!"

  3. PS. I'm working on a bike trainer review. Any chance you could let me know what model trainer you have and what you like/dislike about it? THANKS!!

  4. @KC, good luck with #2! I'm seeing this as once in a lifetime, but I guess you never know.

    @Kurt, I borrowed a trainer from my brother-in-law; it's old, makes funny noises, has zero features, and I couldn't even tell you off the top of my head what brand it is. (Not that I'm not grateful for the loan.) But I don't think I'd be a lot of help to you!
