Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Taking time to heal

I'm taking a third day off from exercise in a row, which would be fine except for the goal I set to walk 1,000 miles. I'm acutely aware that 1,000 miles of walking in a year averages out to almost three miles every day, and I hate to let these precious days slip by when it's only the second week of January.

I did some more Googling about groin and hip flexor injuries, and I saw an article about how doing a lot of yoga might create an imbalance, with the back of the legs very flexible (yep) and the front of the legs much less so (yep). Here I was thinking this injury was a fluke, but it might actually be a systemic problem. I think I'm going to take yoga down yet another notch for a while and be very conscientious about stretching my hip flexors. Also, it wouldn't hurt if some magical healing powers of Paleo would start kicking in soon. This is not causing me much pain, but I do prefer NO pain.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful! Hmmm, it is paranoia on my part, I cannot imagine this is a helpful suggestion, but I had what seemed a similar injury 5+ years ago when I first started doing distance running seriously, and it turned out to be a stress fracture of the pelvic bone - see if you can get an MRI if it's not feeling a lot better after a week of rest...
