Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Walking weather

I haven't noticed that the gym is that much more crowded than usual this January. The sidewalks and bike paths, though, are packed. The weather has been terrific—for January in Montana—and it looks like the whole city has resolved to get outside and enjoy it. (Cue blizzard.)

I've been spending my share of time out there. As they say, those 1,000 miles aren't going to walk themselves.

I finally got back to yoga tonight for the first time in, what? Two weeks? My legs feel weaker than they were before—or maybe I just weigh more for them to hold up—but I was happy that I can still do a push-up. After getting sick, getting injured, and then going crazy sugar happy because the calendar made me do it, I'm glad I don't have to start from square one again.

1 comment:

  1. We have been having crazy good weather too! I'll take it as long as it lasts :)
