Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Whole30 Day 1

What I ate:

Meal 1: Huge salad (protein: two eggs), coffee with unsweetened chocolate and coconut milk (8:30)

Meal 2: Chili and asparagus (2:00)

Meal 3: Potato and vegetable hash (protein: two eggs and a little ground sausage), kiwi (6:30)

How I felt:

Morning: My ankles hurt, my feet and legs feel swollen, and I woke up with a sore throat. So basically like crap.

Evening: Not bad, actually.

What I thought:

I am a little mad that I have to do this. But my body feels out of control: After about a year at a (WAY-too-high) weight plateau that I thought I could live with if I had to, I am again GAINING weight and feeling awful in all my clothes. Honestly I thought my diet was pretty good. I don’t ever have sugar or artificial sweeteners, I eat some vegetables, I take my vitamins, and most days I am gluten-free. But clearly something is not working, because besides the extra weight, I seem to have borderline high blood pressure and two Achilles tendons that have gotten progressively worse for years. And just lately I’ve been feeling particularly achy and inflamed.

My primary goal for this Whole30 is actually to help the tendinitis, because not being able to walk very far is absolutely devastating for everything in my life, including my weight. But of course if I could do something about this belly and at LEAST fit comfortably into my clothes again, that would be a plus. (Really weight loss is also the primary goal. Really everything that is wrong right now needs to get fixed.)

How I plan to feed myself tomorrow:

My goal for today is to make some grilled chicken strips that I can toss on a salad for more protein. Other than that I can eat the same as I did today.

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