Thursday, June 15, 2023

Whole30 Day 10

What I ate:

Meal 1: Potato and vegetable hash, two eggs, kiwi, sausage patty, coffee (7:00)

Meal 2: Curry (12:30)

Meal 3: Salad (7:00)

How I felt:

I managed to reduce my human interaction to the dentist and the other attendees of an “Across the Spiderverse” matinee, so that is helping my mood. Physically I feel about the same as I have been (which, mind you, is still much better than 11 days ago!!).

What I thought:

It’s notable that the Whole30 timeline says days 10 and 11 are “the hardest days”—because the novelty is wearing off and you still haven’t gotten to the “magic” part of the experience. I don’t know that the novelty is wearing off for me exactly. I’ve been in a food rut, but that’s my normal status. And the dietary changes weren’t SO dramatic that this is super-difficult. Possibly blogging again for the first time in years is helping me stay interested.

What I’m worried will actually be the hardest days are the days just after Day 30. I know this thing is supposed to end at that point, but I’ve tentatively planned to keep going as long as possible to really try to heal my Achilles.

How I plan to feed myself tomorrow:

I made an enormous infinicurry.

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