Thursday, June 22, 2023

Whole30 Day 17

What I ate:

Meal 1: Potato and vegetable hash with two eggs and sausage, coffee (8:00)

Meal 2: Beef jerky, asparagus, blueberries (11:30)

Meal 3: Chili, hard-boiled egg (6:00)

How I felt:


What I thought:

Little story: There’s a woman in town who started a business focusing on used clothing swaps—which by the way is an absolutely brilliant idea. You bring in your unwanted clothes in exchange for points, which you can then spend on other people’s stuff. No money is exchanged except a small fee to be a member. She’s rented a space and is trying to make a go of it as a business for the long term. I really hope she succeeds, because I LOVE a woman on a mission, I feel very strongly that buying clothes new is wasteful if not unethical, and my “thrifted” wardrobe had been going steadily downhill as I kept going up in size and clothes got harder to find. Plus a lot of this weight gain happened during the pandemic when I was afraid to go into a store of any kind.

ANYWAY, she posted a picture in a recent email of one of the swaps in action, and there was a woman in it who I thought looked a bit like me but much heavier. I couldn’t tell for sure, so I took a screenshot, zoomed it way in, and…it’s me. Which means I literally don’t recognize my own body anymore.

So I hope something more happens in these 30 days to give me evidence that this could be reversed with a better diet. But honestly I don’t say this to be self-deprecating or make anyone worry about me self-esteem. I know people who avoid the mirror because it makes them feel like crap, but honestly I have the reverse of that where I generally look in the mirror and think I look just dandy. It’s photos that sometimes give me pause, but I guess those are easier to avoid.

How I plan to feed myself tomorrow:

Still going strong.

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