Sunday, June 11, 2023

Whole30 Day 6

 What I ate:

Meal 1: Soup, coffee (7:00)

Meal 2: Huge salad (protein: chicken and hard-boiled egg) (12:30)

Meal 3: Hamburger patty, kiwi, sweet potato (5:30)

How I felt:

I left the house early and spent a couple of hours going to garage sales, which is what passes for my exercise routine on Friday mornings. And honestly that much walking left my ankles tired and legs feeling heavy. I suspect my circulation is not great, in addition to the injury.

I’ve had a hard time settling down to work the past few days, which is especially bad because I have a writing task to do, and writing requires a lot of work and concentration.

What I thought:

I thought that I need to change these headings or write less frequently or something, because this blog is starting to bore me. (Better the blog bore me than the food.)

How I plan to feed myself tomorrow:

I can still work with what’s in the kitchen if I don’t get myself together, but I’m going to go back to the Whole30 book right now and read about the meal formulas again.

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