Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Whole30 Day 2

What I ate:

Meal 1: Huge salad (protein: one egg, grilled chicken), coffee (8:00)

Meal 2: Chili, sweet potato, blueberries (1:00)

Meal 3: Potato and vegetable hash (protein: two eggs), kiwi (5:30)

How I felt:

I woke up a bit hungry, which according to the Whole30 book is good—it means I didn’t eat too much for dinner. My ankles still hurt (as per), but I feel less crappy in general. And I spent most of yesterday peeing, so apparently some water weight is already going away.

Lately I have been in a 25-minutes-of-restorative-yoga-every-morning rut groove. Just trying to stay mobile and get gently strong without taxing my Achilles. I am debating whether it’s a good idea to ramp up my exercise in conjunction with all this, but I guess I’ll just do what I feel like. For a few weeks I have been working around the house a lot, which has house benefits if not physical fitness ones.

What I thought:

OK, today I feel a little better about all this—partly because making an effort to eat “clean” just demonstrates how far from clean I actually was eating before. It’s hard to admit, because I have staunchly maintained that all this weight gain was purely an act of perimenopause hormone betrayal, but my diet really had gotten a little sketchy. (Still better than 90% of the U.S. population, I maintain, but apparently not good enough to keep my own personal body in stellar health.)

The tiny bit better I feel from two days of Whole30-ing gives me hope that this is something that will actually help, and that hopeful feeling is nice.

How I plan to feed myself tomorrow:

I bought a ton of bell peppers at Costco, so maybe today’s cooking will involve sautéing one up with an onion so I have something else convenient to throw on salads.

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